Incredibly fast, direct and easily getting KBO-data with our REST API-webservice.
Incredibly fast, direct and easily getting KBO-data with our REST API-webservice.
Easily to integrate in your website or application with the use of our documentation and libraries.
Since it's easily to integrate, it's cost-effective. You pay a fixed rate, so no unexpected costs.
The database with Belgian company data is getter larger and larger. Many websites and applications use this data, in example to verify the company's registration number on a sign up form. Before the source of this data was difficult to implement in your own applications. Now we introduce the Kruispuntdatabank; link your website easily and quickly to this database and find any KBO number with the associated data of the requested company.
The REST API of the Kruispuntdatabank (Crossroads Bank for Enterprises offers the following Belgian company data to be request from our database:
View the complete REST API-documentation for more information.
Searching a company registration number or company details in the database is very easy using our API. The API is already in use by many different branches, think about administrative- and relations management software.
View our plans now and directly start with requesting data from our Kruispuntdatabank database.
A small selection from our customer base
Usage statistics of our API
For every enterprise a fitting plan.
Maximum of 2,500 requests per month
Maximum of 10,000 requests per month
Maximum of 30,000 requests per month
Our database in numbers…
CBE (KBO) stands for ‘Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen’ (Dutch for Crossroads Bank for Enterprises). All information about Belgian companies, enterprises en establishments are stored in this database. Behind the KBO is a service that ensures that the database of enterprise numbers is maintained, similar to the ‘Chamber of Commerce’. They take care of the inclusion, management and publication of the KBO numbers and information associated with them.
The KBO is divided into several banks. Through Public Search you can request company data accessible to everybody. In this search you will find both active and discontinued companies. Some of the information you can find through the Public Search are: company number, status, first date of company registration, phone number and legal status of the company. Our databases provides the same data as in the databases of the KBO.
When an enterprise wants to customize the data of the KBO, this is possible by using the Private Search. This provides access to a secure environment. You must register with a burglar token or electronic identity card. When you are logged in to the Private Search, you can customize the data of your own company. You can do this on the website of FPS Economy.
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